Wohoo! Today was the wackiest day in this month. Wanted to do a survey on our gang tee. Went out with Gangez at about 12pm. Waited for each other. Headed to Toa Payoh Hub first. Called the shop owner. She msg-ed tht it is located at toa payoh industrial estate. As we saw tht msg, we looked at each other and stare at our shocking faces. Haiz. So far. I mean QUITE farr.. Yeah. As we were hungry, searched a restaurant, and found KFC. Ate and finalized our design. Took a few picts. Hah.. Gooood times... xD Then, went to toa payoh industrial estate and survey. At our first glance, we dun like it. So, as usual, Azmi tricked the shop owner and said tht we will come again in a week's time. Hahahaha!! Tunngu lah kau mcm bdk bodo! hahaha. Then decided where to go nex. Finally after a few minutes of brainstorming, we decided to go Queensway!! Took a few MRTs. Pening seyh. Tp aper boleh buat.. Its for our own sake..(: Went to a few shops. Dunno which one to choose. Mata rambang! Cheybah!-.- As I have ngaji later, went home first with Jenn and Syirah. xD