Today woke up at 8am. Got ready to go for a swim with Gangez at Woodlands Swimming Complex. First time swim since June holidays. Sooo long sia didnt swim. Awkward. Hahah. Then saw Aiszx, Erra, Kamarrul, Hafierul&frens and Ertiqa. The boyz were fxcking shock when seeing Aishah and Erra. And aZ said smth that is really hilarious xD tk baek sak kau aZ. hahaha! Swam for about 3 hours. Whoa.
Then, washed up myself and went to gym with Zal, Fit, As and Am. Train my body rather than training my legs and stamina level. After an hour of work out, have our lunch at Banquet at Cwp. Then, lepaks at the hall. Played soccer for a while. Then chit chatted. Finally, went home with Asri and Hajar.