Fitri robohkan...
whoa.. wht a day is today. Nothing much during lessons. After the dismissal bell rang, rush home with they all featuring aishah and lyana. hahahaha. Dorang kepo ajer. haha. jk jk. After bathing and all that stuff, ride 911 with they all they all sumer. boleh katakan kecohh uh. after praying, went to eat ice kachang. Ermmm, sedap nyer!!! best giler. SHIOK AH!!!
After eating that cool stuff, went to McDonalds and buy some food again. Tk kenyang kenyang sey kiter... Maseh boleh bedal makanan lagi.. haiz, aperlah nk jadi ngn kiteorg.... :D
then we went home. Then, this is the funniest part of the day. We sit down and chit chat in front of PAP at az's house. Then, we all suddenly piled up together. Fitri was the lowest. So, he had to tahan and to carry we all. there was bhai, azmi, khai, me, tabin, faizal, amirul and of cos fitri. After piling up, we all fell. THEN, when Fitri wants to sit again on the chair, the chair's leg suddnly broke! WOW! Then we all start giggling and laugh like a bunch of crazy monkeys. KLAKAR SAK!!!
Then, we all went home cos later we gonna watch rugby match; Evg vs Unity. But Unity menang lah. Tkpe, work harder rugby boys!!! woohoo!! We only watch 1st half. During the 2nd half, we played soccer at SSC. Giler kan kiteorg. We are the craziest bunch of people in the sch lah. crius seyy... Dtg utk tgk rugby, tp at last, kiter maen bola. SOO weird! But overall today is very FUN!
After eating that cool stuff, went to McDonalds and buy some food again. Tk kenyang kenyang sey kiter... Maseh boleh bedal makanan lagi.. haiz, aperlah nk jadi ngn kiteorg.... :D
then we went home. Then, this is the funniest part of the day. We sit down and chit chat in front of PAP at az's house. Then, we all suddenly piled up together. Fitri was the lowest. So, he had to tahan and to carry we all. there was bhai, azmi, khai, me, tabin, faizal, amirul and of cos fitri. After piling up, we all fell. THEN, when Fitri wants to sit again on the chair, the chair's leg suddnly broke! WOW! Then we all start giggling and laugh like a bunch of crazy monkeys. KLAKAR SAK!!!
Then, we all went home cos later we gonna watch rugby match; Evg vs Unity. But Unity menang lah. Tkpe, work harder rugby boys!!! woohoo!! We only watch 1st half. During the 2nd half, we played soccer at SSC. Giler kan kiteorg. We are the craziest bunch of people in the sch lah. crius seyy... Dtg utk tgk rugby, tp at last, kiter maen bola. SOO weird! But overall today is very FUN!