wow! what an adventurous day is today. many things had happen today. firstly, went to school. First period, HML. Fun! Quite cool! Cinta SPD? wht's that??? hahax. then, hist. quite interesting i think... and so on and so forth.
After school, went home first. Then meet up with gang. BUT not gangster. heylo!!! aku bebas jenayah.. haha. mcm paham. :D At first i thought we main bola but instead we maen, BASIKAL!! Very very very very FUN!! ronda2 with azmi, tabin, yusuf, adeq tabin, faizal and asri. went to admiralty park first. going down the slope was the shiok-est. Best giler babi. Then, went to i dun noe where. just cycle anywhere. then reach at woodlands mart. then tabin said he wants to go home. MUMMY's BOY! -.-
So, we follow him to north plaza. Then, sembang2 first. After faizal and tabin had went home, left with asri, azmi, yusuf and me. Then, ....... ( this part was chopped off cos somebody who is my fren, dun want his secrets to be exposed )
i guarantee u all this part is fun BUT because of my poor fren, i had to delete : D