Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Today mainly bbq-ued with Interact Club, NE Ambassador and NE Comm from 2.30pm. It is to celebrate our success throughout the year 2009, a year which i cant forget. =) Some alumni came down also. Heard inspirational stories frm the Head of Discipline Comm of 6th Batch Excos. Az, Bhai, Khai, Khairi and Shahir came down also to join the party. Had fun of course with ALL of them. Then, lepak with Az, Bhai and Akmal till 10.30pm. Haha. k bye ppl!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
It's SEZAIRI SEZALI !!!!!!!!!!
OMG!!! Incredible!! Awesome!! Fantastic!!
Singapore Idol Season 3 had ended moments ago. Sezairi is the winner. The most deserved one. So, this is my view about SI Season 3.
At first, when I watched the Top 24, I supported Farhan. But the nex week, when I watched Sezairi performed, I started supporting him instead. So throughout Spectacular #1 till Spectacular #12, I supported him. BUT, after the S#12 show, I was impressed by Sylvia's humbleness and sincerity, and, started supporting SYLVIA until the Grand Finale. And was addicted to 'American Boy'. At the Grand Finale, Sylvia blew me off when she sangs 'Mercy'. But still, when Sezairi sang 'Touched by an angel', I was truely touched by the performance and when I thought back, I should have supported Sezairi all this while. During results show, my family started whispering 'sezairi, sezairi, sezairi'.
Gurmit: Your nex Singapore Idol is SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ( my heart beated furiously ) SSSomeone ( phew ) who you chose to be your next Singapore Idol and it is ............... ( heart pounding hard and fast ) SEZAIRI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I jumped and clapped for him. )
I am proud of him mann. I almost cried. What a season this is. The most memorable one. For me at least. Hahaha. So, I supported many finalists in Singapore Idol but still, Sezairi is my favourite and deserved one. Three Malay men in a row. What can I say about that huh? Cool!!! Congrats Sezairi sezali !!!
Singapore Idol Season 3 had ended moments ago. Sezairi is the winner. The most deserved one. So, this is my view about SI Season 3.
At first, when I watched the Top 24, I supported Farhan. But the nex week, when I watched Sezairi performed, I started supporting him instead. So throughout Spectacular #1 till Spectacular #12, I supported him. BUT, after the S#12 show, I was impressed by Sylvia's humbleness and sincerity, and, started supporting SYLVIA until the Grand Finale. And was addicted to 'American Boy'. At the Grand Finale, Sylvia blew me off when she sangs 'Mercy'. But still, when Sezairi sang 'Touched by an angel', I was truely touched by the performance and when I thought back, I should have supported Sezairi all this while. During results show, my family started whispering 'sezairi, sezairi, sezairi'.
Gurmit: Your nex Singapore Idol is SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ( my heart beated furiously ) SSSomeone ( phew ) who you chose to be your next Singapore Idol and it is ............... ( heart pounding hard and fast ) SEZAIRI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I jumped and clapped for him. )
I am proud of him mann. I almost cried. What a season this is. The most memorable one. For me at least. Hahaha. So, I supported many finalists in Singapore Idol but still, Sezairi is my favourite and deserved one. Three Malay men in a row. What can I say about that huh? Cool!!! Congrats Sezairi sezali !!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Someone's 14 !!!
Happy bdae TabKuNii !!
At last kau dah 14!
Wow!! Haha.
Today was sooooo gerek!
Had BBQ at Faiqah's apartment, Tab's cousin.
Met tab and faiqah's family.
Help out with the bbq thingy.
The food was great.
Lastly, we took out our shirts and jumped into the pool.
Swimswimswim until 5.30pm.
Really enjoyed today mann.
Tmrw Singapore Idol Grand Finale.
But unfortunately, I didn't get to see it 'Live' at Indoor Stadium.
Nvm lorr.
No luck this time.
Maybe the nex season. ^^ hahaha.
Thts for now. Byebye !!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Family time ! <3
Woke up at bout 12pm.
My siblings kept disturbing me by saying, '' Abg ader org msg'' repeatedly.
But i ignored and continued sleeping until noon.
Had some tidbits.
Then played with my comp.
At around 7.30pm, went out with family.
Firstly, shopped at queensway.
Bought a few things.
Then, my dad rode his car and let us see orchid road at night time.
Enjoyed it mann!!
Reminds me of Geylang Serai. xDD
Then, shopshopshop at Bugis Street.
Lastly, had supper at Al-Ameen at 12am.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
rewanGEZ !!
Two more weeks sch reopen.
Havent even TOUCH my hmwk. Haiz.
But still, can't wait to wear LONG PANTS!!!! Wohooo!!
Kay, today rewang with Asri, Am, Az, Akmal at Blk 792 at about 8pm till 12am.
Kay, today rewang with Asri, Am, Az, Akmal at Blk 792 at about 8pm till 12am.
Akmal's cousin wedding.
Before that, met Tabin at their lift.
Fetch his dad at the airport.
At the rewang place, did not so much as the caterer had come to do all the whatever shit.
Just need to clean the tables.
Much time for us to joke around, chit chat and merapatkan silaturrahim. xD
Finally, got some food as a token.
As well as $$$. Hehehe.
Kay lahh.
Thats all folks!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Outing with Gangez!!

Today woke up at 8am. Got ready to go for a swim with Gangez at Woodlands Swimming Complex. First time swim since June holidays. Sooo long sia didnt swim. Awkward. Hahah. Then saw Aiszx, Erra, Kamarrul, Hafierul&frens and Ertiqa. The boyz were fxcking shock when seeing Aishah and Erra. And aZ said smth that is really hilarious xD tk baek sak kau aZ. hahaha! Swam for about 3 hours. Whoa.
Then, washed up myself and went to gym with Zal, Fit, As and Am. Train my body rather than training my legs and stamina level. After an hour of work out, have our lunch at Banquet at Cwp. Then, lepaks at the hall. Played soccer for a while. Then chit chatted. Finally, went home with Asri and Hajar.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
OMG!! The best night this year mann!
I cant believe it.
Kay went to Singapore Idol with Am, Khai, Rovin and the girls.
We can feel the intensity of the three idols.
Shout as loud as possible when SI starts.
Great experience.
I dun knw which contestant I support.
They were equally good. Seriously.
Just before the News 5 Tonight's telecast of SI, Gurmit Singh and Ken Lim cracked ABSOLUTELY FUNNY jokes with us.
Gurmit: *Playing with the microphone*
Ken: This is what Gurmit always do in the toilet. *everyone laughs*
Gurmit: Of course u knw lahh. Cos we always share toilet seat. *everyone start giggling*
It tickles u knw. Hahaha.
"The one who will be joining Sylvia in the grand finals is.........................SEZAIRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Whoa. The fans made noise like hell sia.
Ken: This is what Gurmit always do in the toilet. *everyone laughs*
Gurmit: Of course u knw lahh. Cos we always share toilet seat. *everyone start giggling*
It tickles u knw. Hahaha.
"The one who will be joining Sylvia in the grand finals is.........................SEZAIRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Whoa. The fans made noise like hell sia.
But fun lahh.
After the show, went near the stage and shook Sezairi's hand. Wow!
But not only that, also took pictures with Sezairi, Sylvia, Farhan Shah, Tabitha and Malaque and the reception.
Dun knw how to describe my joyness and excitement.
They were very humble and kind.
Also have Sezairi's autograph.
And Sezairi also signed at Khai's pouch.
Kekek sia.
Its 1.45am already.
Too excited to go to bed. Hahaha.
Btw uploading the pictures soon.
K gdnight ppl!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Prefect Camp!!
In the last two days, there is Prefect Camp going on. Very very fun. Enjoyed myself. Memorable. There are water games, ice-breakers, amazing race, night trail, went to Pasir Ris Park and of cos, CAMPFIRE. It is great to see when 1st Batch to 7th Batch of EXCOs come down and join the party. So ya. Really tired right now. Just came back home. Till nex time ppl!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Today, mainly played soccer with Ex-SiLing friends. Vs Alson's team. At first, we led by 8-3. Surprisingly then, they were ahead of us with a score of 9-8. Incredible mann. Fortunately, I saved the day and my team by scoring two more goals to end the match with a score of 10-9. Narrow win sia. But I'm still thankful. Scored 6 goals mann. What an achievement. Hahahaha.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
I had a looooooong day today. Woke up at 7am. Ready to go Track and Field. Learn a new thing from Coach. About our reaction at the starting line. Coool! Bumbed into Sab and Hajar. Bobal kjp. Then, chill out at sch until 12pm. Before going home, lepak with Faizal, Asri, Tabin and Syafiq. Look at the weather. Going to rain. So went home with Asri. This is the most kekek part. Hujan blum lebat. Then we pusing blakang, the hujan was very fucking lebat at the other side. So we sprint arh to the side yang tk lebat sangat. Cool siol!xD Got ONE more!! As the floor was slippery, Asri suddenly fell down. U all must be there how he fell. Slow motion. And look at his face! Hahahahaha!! goooooooooood timess!! :D At last, we both were soaking wet. Reached home, eat and got ready to play soccer with ex-siling. Vs Jun Kai's Team. First game won 10-8. Incredible comeback. Really. Scored two of the goals:) Second game won 6-1. Scored two glancing headers(: hahaha. Soooo relief with the victory after two consecutive losts. Gooog job ppl! Then, lepak with Gangez and played soccer again! Tired sia. But fun. xD Went back home at around 7pm. As usual, convo with Gangez feat. Akmal!! Hahaha. Its late now. Gotta go. Adios!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Went out with Gangez!!

Wohoo! Today was the wackiest day in this month. Wanted to do a survey on our gang tee. Went out with Gangez at about 12pm. Waited for each other. Headed to Toa Payoh Hub first. Called the shop owner. She msg-ed tht it is located at toa payoh industrial estate. As we saw tht msg, we looked at each other and stare at our shocking faces. Haiz. So far. I mean QUITE farr.. Yeah. As we were hungry, searched a restaurant, and found KFC. Ate and finalized our design. Took a few picts. Hah.. Gooood times... xD Then, went to toa payoh industrial estate and survey. At our first glance, we dun like it. So, as usual, Azmi tricked the shop owner and said tht we will come again in a week's time. Hahahaha!! Tunngu lah kau mcm bdk bodo! hahaha. Then decided where to go nex. Finally after a few minutes of brainstorming, we decided to go Queensway!! Took a few MRTs. Pening seyh. Tp aper boleh buat.. Its for our own sake..(: Went to a few shops. Dunno which one to choose. Mata rambang! Cheybah!-.- As I have ngaji later, went home first with Jenn and Syirah. xD
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Good times... xD
Today was an enjoyable and meaningful day. Firstly, didnt go remedial as I woke up late. Then at 12.30pm, went out to meet the guys and the gils at khai's void-deck. Then changed location to th hall near bhai's houz. Shared secrets among us and say wht we felt about ourselves as in our weakness and benda yg kiter tk puas hati. I nearly cried as there were 'touching' stories, especially tabin's one:) I salute you, Tabin!!! Gd job, foo! Hahax. The purpose of us gathering is to knw our weaknesses in ourselves and try to improve on them. So yaa. It went smoothly. No hard feelings. I'm so relief mann.. Hope that we can united as one gang :D Then, discussed on our T-shirt for our gang. Finally, we called ourselves 'GANGEZ'. Hahaha, cool huh? Planned everything on wht we gonna do and stuffs lyke that. The gils went home at around 5.30pm. Then apalagi siot?? MAEN bola lah!!! Yeah, me and asri made a gd combination. We assisted each other, and at last draw 10-10. Wohoo!! Hahaha. Well, today is very very fun! Hahaha, kay thats fr now. Bye ppl!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Many thing happen today.
- went to sch cos got bridging programme for malay students
- went home, got ready to play soccer.
- played against rasyidah's team
- me and aidi scored a hat-trick :)
- 1st game: lost 12-8
- 2nd game: won 4-3
- at night, heard that faizal's kakak ipar's mother or rather liyana's aunt had just passed away. Innalillah..
- otp with R.A.I.A
- went to sch cos got bridging programme for malay students
- went home, got ready to play soccer.
- played against rasyidah's team
- me and aidi scored a hat-trick :)
- 1st game: lost 12-8
- 2nd game: won 4-3
- at night, heard that faizal's kakak ipar's mother or rather liyana's aunt had just passed away. Innalillah..
- otp with R.A.I.A
Monday, November 2, 2009
Hey ppl! Havent post for a looooong time. Just fixed the comp today. So DAMN happy. Well today is as normal as an any other day. Started the day by having a bridging programme conducted by Mdm Yati and Mdm Juliana. But before that, unfortunately, Shazzuan told me that our primary sch fren, Haikal, had lost his brother, suspected of overdose. May Allah rest his soul. Amin.
Friday, October 2, 2009
~Awarded to be the best day for this year~
Happy bdae hafieqa! Ceria2 slalu ye.. Wohoo! Gerek gyler sey hari ni! Firstly in sch, learn bout mooncake festival during CCD lesson. End sch at bout 12.40pm. No tyme to go for prayers. Furthermore we're going raya later xD Boyz and gils gathered at the canteen to plan where are we goin to meet and at what tyme. Then went home and got ready. Met the boyz first at 2.45pm. WAit for the gils. Siap punyer lambat. Haiz. Biasa luhh tu. Sabrina bought the cake for fieqa's birthday. Me, asri, fit and khai set up the cnadles and stuff while the other boyz and rin go and disturb the gals. Fieqa, naili , jenn, tab went up to tabin's lift. We all went up after that, with me carrying the cake. When we reached the 7th floor, sang bdae song together for fieqa. then took a few pics. Took picx with my couple fr the day, Jenn, cause we wore the same colour dress. haha. Bhai ckp me and er macam suami isteri. Haha, KEKEK SEY!! Finally, we go to tabin's hse then go to az, khai. cikgu ju, am, jenn, fieqa, naili, asri, rrin, mine, ais and finally hajar. Every hse GEREK!!! Atr mine, dpt minum 'beer' HALAL!! WHOA!! Oni asri, me, fieqa and naili went to hajar's hse as it was already 11.30 pm. Diorang pon tungu kat bus stop opposite umah ais. We took the bus first. We went home from hajar's hse at 12.30 am. Then, am called. he said that he just boarded 911 bus. 4 of us were like WTF!! Lebih baek ikut kiter gi umah hajar. Dpt extra duit. HAHA!! As am said that it was the last bus, we took a cab. I stopped at the place near NKF. Then crossed the road and saw a 911 bus. So i called am and saw me !! HAHAHAHA!!
Overall today was very very fun!! But we are missing a person and uu should who uu are...
HAHA!! Once again, HAPPY BDAE FIEQA!! <3
Overall today was very very fun!! But we are missing a person and uu should who uu are...
HAHA!! Once again, HAPPY BDAE FIEQA!! <3
Friday, August 21, 2009
Shiok sia...
Yay! Today is the last day b4 the muslims fast. That is why i wanna enjoy today. Sch as per normal. Nothin interesting. After sch, went for prayers n ate ice kachang. Then, discuss with tabin bout the SAE duties for prefects. Went home at 6.30pm. Reached home at 6.45pm and sleep for a while. My father wake me up to go for terawih prayers with bhai, khai, asri, fitri, tabin and amirul. First time smbhyg terawih ngn dorg. Gerek uh. Smbhyg 8 rakaat. Then met az at WNP. Bought bbt n lepak kejap at the middle of WNP. We were lyke a bunch of crazy people and bangla. Haha. Lastly, lepak at the fitness corner near bhai's houz and chit-chat. Arrived home at 10.10pm. Overall, today was fun!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
All I got to do is sigh...
Today is the most unlucky and bad day in this week. If u all want to noe bout it, ask me in the school k:) Just dont want to talk bout it. But there are someone who had cheered me up. Credits to Erra and Hafiz(ex-silians). Thx people! Luv u all!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
As usual, had prefect meeting at 7.45pm. But before that, me, az, khai and amalina are calefares in celebrating The 8th Batch Exco 4-month anniversary. Then, had games. We played touch rugby, not contact rugby:) ( if u noe wat i mean...) Hahahaha! Lost to RICH and Sports commitee but won against SL comm. After the games, Shahir announced the Best Sportsman. He give us a clue; "He plays rrrugby verrry well". He repeated again. Then they realised that it was ME! Ya its me afterall. Im the best sportsman. (kembang...)
After sch, played soccer at the field at Fu Shan. Nice game. Then ternampak aishah kat dlm bas. Ejek kat kiteorg-.- Selengeh. Haha. At night, went for ngaji. Last day before puasa and raya. Wohoo! Learn about puasa. Of cos i noe! Then sms-ed my ex-siling frens.
After sch, played soccer at the field at Fu Shan. Nice game. Then ternampak aishah kat dlm bas. Ejek kat kiteorg-.- Selengeh. Haha. At night, went for ngaji. Last day before puasa and raya. Wohoo! Learn about puasa. Of cos i noe! Then sms-ed my ex-siling frens.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Today is Saturday. Didnt go for madrasah cos ader walkathon thingy. So, can 'relax' today. In the morning, me and Khai met mr chua to get the lit thingy from him. Then jumper az, as n lyana. Sab dh alik cos dier ader madrasah. In the afternoon, went to queensway with az, akmal gerek, bhai and haikel. Lots of stuff can be found at the shopping centre. Especially boots. Wow! I love it! Got home at 8pm. Watch tv now. Oh shit. Cant upload the pictures. DAMN!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Gyouk! Started the day by doin file duty with Bhai and Katherine. Then, Khai, Azmi, Shahir and Tabin join in and come together to chit-chat. Shahir is the type of person who can change his personality in an instant. Sometimes he can be a crius headprefect and sometimes he can easily chill out with his frens. That is wht we think of Shahir. Haiz. Moving on…
Started lessons by having Music lesson. Warm up and practice the song ‘21 guns’. Was quite easy for us. Mr Ong played soo good siol! I want to be lyke him… Hahahaha. Then have Physics. Super boring, but I have no choice. Its for the greater sake of learning(if u know what I means)XD. After recess, had chemistry. Did some experiments. For English, had Debate Round 3.
After sch, change into prefects tee(no offence Khai and Az :D) and have some lunch in the canteen. Then at 3pm, went for High Achievers Training. Soo fun:) Then had to plan a role play. My team are the 2nd team to perform. First team was Tabin’s team. His team’s performance was the best and the most hilarious one. Tabin looks like a matrep for 15mins. Hahahaha!!! Crius gerek uh. Then its our turn to perform. Bhai included his gay-ish moves that makes everyone laugh, especially Sofia. Haha.
At 6.15pm, went home with Bhai, Azmi, Khai and Tabin:D
Started lessons by having Music lesson. Warm up and practice the song ‘21 guns’. Was quite easy for us. Mr Ong played soo good siol! I want to be lyke him… Hahahaha. Then have Physics. Super boring, but I have no choice. Its for the greater sake of learning(if u know what I means)XD. After recess, had chemistry. Did some experiments. For English, had Debate Round 3.
After sch, change into prefects tee(no offence Khai and Az :D) and have some lunch in the canteen. Then at 3pm, went for High Achievers Training. Soo fun:) Then had to plan a role play. My team are the 2nd team to perform. First team was Tabin’s team. His team’s performance was the best and the most hilarious one. Tabin looks like a matrep for 15mins. Hahahaha!!! Crius gerek uh. Then its our turn to perform. Bhai included his gay-ish moves that makes everyone laugh, especially Sofia. Haha.
At 6.15pm, went home with Bhai, Azmi, Khai and Tabin:D
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Gyouk! Went to sch with Lyana, then terserempak ngn Tabin and Am. Do file duty with Bhai, Khai and Katherine. Then handle the late coming people. So many students hu were late sia... Then, proceed to NBA to hear bout the High Achievers thingy tmrw. So boring sey when it will be held at MT Rm 5. This is all bcos of CCA Leaders uh :(
Started lesson with HML. Today for Lit lesson, Mr Chua didnt come also for today! So happy sey. After recess, went to Chem lab to learn and do some experiments. I have to sit beside Dean -.- But he's quite okay lah... For Maths we learn bout a new topic; Menturation of whateva shapes. Today Mr Su cracked some jokes with us that make the lesson interesting. Ended sch, lepak for a while, and went home.
Then, me and Khai meet Lyana and Erra at the pondok in front of Lyana's house. Do hmwk, buy bbt for a while, and gossiping. Hahax. At 5.30, went to cwp with Khai and Erra. Erra went to interchange while me and khai went to banquet to eat. Then buy ink printer at Courts. Then ronda for a while and went home.
Started lesson with HML. Today for Lit lesson, Mr Chua didnt come also for today! So happy sey. After recess, went to Chem lab to learn and do some experiments. I have to sit beside Dean -.- But he's quite okay lah... For Maths we learn bout a new topic; Menturation of whateva shapes. Today Mr Su cracked some jokes with us that make the lesson interesting. Ended sch, lepak for a while, and went home.
Then, me and Khai meet Lyana and Erra at the pondok in front of Lyana's house. Do hmwk, buy bbt for a while, and gossiping. Hahax. At 5.30, went to cwp with Khai and Erra. Erra went to interchange while me and khai went to banquet to eat. Then buy ink printer at Courts. Then ronda for a while and went home.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Started sch with prefect mtng. Played blow wind blow. Then played Pontianak Game. Super Fun!!! :) We all left Endure alone. Sory Endure. Hahas, lol. Mr Chua was on MC today, so i had the chance to revise Geog. During Hist lesson, Dean's grp presented their presentation about Mr Lim Kim San. Boring, lyke du-uh! Then we all revised Geog during Geog lesson. Mrs Hariz also give us questions that will be coming out for the test. That is why the test is easy for me. Thx u Cher!!
During home period, take Geog test and Australian Mathematics Competition. Fuhh! The Maths Test was super duper difficult! My brain was about to crack sia. Haiz... Then, after all the test thingy, waited for Azmi before we all went home. Chit-chatted under Az's block. Then went home at 5.30pm.
At home, at about 6.30pm, when I was about to sleep, Lyana called me to join in the conversation with Erra and Khairil. Chit-chatted for about nearly an hour. Then went ngaji and now doing Higher Malay hmwk.
During home period, take Geog test and Australian Mathematics Competition. Fuhh! The Maths Test was super duper difficult! My brain was about to crack sia. Haiz... Then, after all the test thingy, waited for Azmi before we all went home. Chit-chatted under Az's block. Then went home at 5.30pm.
At home, at about 6.30pm, when I was about to sleep, Lyana called me to join in the conversation with Erra and Khairil. Chit-chatted for about nearly an hour. Then went ngaji and now doing Higher Malay hmwk.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Happy 44th Birthday Singapore!!! <3
Firstly, I wanna wish evryone out there a happy national day! Woohhooo!!!
Played PSP all day long. Watch NDP at 6pm at TV. Then at 8pm, watch the fireworks at Marina Bay. Spectacular scenery. Then, went to Geylang to have dinner. Ate my so called favourite dish,,,, Mee Hoon Goreng Merah! Hmmm.. Deliiiiiicious............ Arrived home around 11pm. Then, turn on tv and watch '40 hari bangkitnya pocong'. Fuhh. Sungguh menyeramkan.
And before signing off, I want to wish u all HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!!! :)
Played PSP all day long. Watch NDP at 6pm at TV. Then at 8pm, watch the fireworks at Marina Bay. Spectacular scenery. Then, went to Geylang to have dinner. Ate my so called favourite dish,,,, Mee Hoon Goreng Merah! Hmmm.. Deliiiiiicious............ Arrived home around 11pm. Then, turn on tv and watch '40 hari bangkitnya pocong'. Fuhh. Sungguh menyeramkan.
And before signing off, I want to wish u all HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!!! :)
Friday, August 7, 2009
The title tells u everything. Rather not everything la. Hahaha. Firstly, went to school. Assemble behind the hall cos got a briefing on National Day Message thingy. Me and Jocelyn went to 3 Respect. The class is very sporting. They gives us a big round of applause:) Really appreciate for that. Before going back to our respective classes, we were suppose to do a bdae wish card for our principal Mr Chan, which his bdae falls on National Day. Then, we went back to class and join in the fun:D
After school, we all went back home to go for Friday prayers. We came there early. Then, terserempak dgn kwn x-silingku, Kamarrul. Tmrw I can meet him:) After the prayers, went to eat ice kachang nearby. Then went to CWP to meet Az and As. Khai and Bhai wanted to buy new pair of boots. So, we all accompanied them.
Then at around 5.30pm, went for jogging at Admiralty Park with Az, As, Am, Bhai, Faizal and Rosliyana. Faizal always kacau Lyana. Hahahaha. She deserves it. Haahahahahah. JK JK JK. Az, Bhai, Zal and me lead the way. But when me and Zal saw that Asri was struggling, we jogged slowly while Az and Bhai suddenly disappeared from our sight. Whoa. Gd English:) Hahaha. At the same time, waited for Lyana. Four of us jogged slowly and enjoy the breeze of the evening wind. Then, As, Am, Zal and me jogged from Admiralty Park to North Plaza. When all of us had arrived at WNP, we terserempak with Akmal Gerek. Chit chat for a while. To call off the day, went home with Asri and Lyana.
Bdk-bdk zaman skrg... Apelah nk jadi... Hahahaha!
Baek Zal!! Batu roboh ke perr boii???
After school, we all went back home to go for Friday prayers. We came there early. Then, terserempak dgn kwn x-silingku, Kamarrul. Tmrw I can meet him:) After the prayers, went to eat ice kachang nearby. Then went to CWP to meet Az and As. Khai and Bhai wanted to buy new pair of boots. So, we all accompanied them.
Then at around 5.30pm, went for jogging at Admiralty Park with Az, As, Am, Bhai, Faizal and Rosliyana. Faizal always kacau Lyana. Hahahaha. She deserves it. Haahahahahah. JK JK JK. Az, Bhai, Zal and me lead the way. But when me and Zal saw that Asri was struggling, we jogged slowly while Az and Bhai suddenly disappeared from our sight. Whoa. Gd English:) Hahaha. At the same time, waited for Lyana. Four of us jogged slowly and enjoy the breeze of the evening wind. Then, As, Am, Zal and me jogged from Admiralty Park to North Plaza. When all of us had arrived at WNP, we terserempak with Akmal Gerek. Chit chat for a while. To call off the day, went home with Asri and Lyana.
Bdk-bdk zaman skrg... Apelah nk jadi... Hahahaha!
Baek Zal!! Batu roboh ke perr boii???
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Went to sch at 6.55am. Lepak kat area sbelah my class with Khai. Then, at 7.50am, Aishah and Lyana join in. Shared our secrets and other stuffs. Fit, Fieqa and Insyirah join in also bout 30 mins later...
At 9.05am, Mr Vik wants to meet all the prefects to inform bout the High Achievers Training tmrw. Chat with Khai and Lyana cos boring waiting for Mr Vik settled with the Sec 3s. When Mrs Woo first enters the class, the first thing Mrs Woo ask was our MCs. Whoa! Byk siol! Smpai aku nyer ckg pon tk nmpk. hahaha.
Lessons go on as per normal as this is the first day goin to sch since we are quarantined when my classmate was struck with H1N1. Quite weird goin to sch uh. After sch, waited for Asri, Am, Fit, Faizal and Tabin as they had remedial goin on in their class. Me, Khai, Am, As, Fit n Chin Yong went to Asri's houz to fix his guitar. Then went to Azmi's houz to discuss what are we goin to do. Of cos SOCCER! Me, faizal, bhai and syafiq thrased Azmi's team 19-11. Mwahahaha. During the match, terserempak with Sab and Lyana buying bbt. When the match ends, As used my phone to sms Farah. Then Lyana sms-ed.
Lyana: Bang, main bola kapa? Hahaha.
Me: Ya istri.
Lyana: Hahaha. Hot ah bang tadi. :P [JANGAN KEMBANG!]
Me: Hot eh? :) Hahahaha.
Lyana: Hahahaha. Kembang.
Bang kt mana skrg?
Me: Bwh blk Az. Tgah lepak. Jap lg nk alik. Tungu abg eh? HAHAHAHA!
Lyana: A'ah! Tgah tunggu abg la ni. Hahaha. Kita buat hari ni eh. Hehe. :P
Me: Hahahaha!! Kk. Abg alik skg. Tk sabar ni. Hahaha!
Lyana: Hahahaha! Ew. Disgusting. Bang nk otp tk nanti? Tgah boring ah.
Me: Kk. Nnt klau akuw free, aku call kau. :)
Lyana: Yeay! Syg abg. Nyahahaha!
Me: Hahaha. Syg u jgk. Haha.
Lyana: Gatal eh! Heh. :P
Sometimes i find that Rosliyana bte Mohd Yusof is a funny and horny girl. She is an entertainer, just like Bhai, Am, khai. Eh! Whats wrong with me? In a sudden i talk bout Rosliyana. Gila lah akuw. And dun even think bout that._. Hahaha. So random...
And if u all think why she called me 'abg', it started through the Chopstick Camp. In Prefectorial Board, she is my wife. Dun noe hu came up with the idea. Hahahaha.
Sayonara! :D
At 9.05am, Mr Vik wants to meet all the prefects to inform bout the High Achievers Training tmrw. Chat with Khai and Lyana cos boring waiting for Mr Vik settled with the Sec 3s. When Mrs Woo first enters the class, the first thing Mrs Woo ask was our MCs. Whoa! Byk siol! Smpai aku nyer ckg pon tk nmpk. hahaha.
Lessons go on as per normal as this is the first day goin to sch since we are quarantined when my classmate was struck with H1N1. Quite weird goin to sch uh. After sch, waited for Asri, Am, Fit, Faizal and Tabin as they had remedial goin on in their class. Me, Khai, Am, As, Fit n Chin Yong went to Asri's houz to fix his guitar. Then went to Azmi's houz to discuss what are we goin to do. Of cos SOCCER! Me, faizal, bhai and syafiq thrased Azmi's team 19-11. Mwahahaha. During the match, terserempak with Sab and Lyana buying bbt. When the match ends, As used my phone to sms Farah. Then Lyana sms-ed.
Lyana: Bang, main bola kapa? Hahaha.
Me: Ya istri.
Lyana: Hahaha. Hot ah bang tadi. :P [JANGAN KEMBANG!]
Me: Hot eh? :) Hahahaha.
Lyana: Hahahaha. Kembang.
Bang kt mana skrg?
Me: Bwh blk Az. Tgah lepak. Jap lg nk alik. Tungu abg eh? HAHAHAHA!
Lyana: A'ah! Tgah tunggu abg la ni. Hahaha. Kita buat hari ni eh. Hehe. :P
Me: Hahahaha!! Kk. Abg alik skg. Tk sabar ni. Hahaha!
Lyana: Hahahaha! Ew. Disgusting. Bang nk otp tk nanti? Tgah boring ah.
Me: Kk. Nnt klau akuw free, aku call kau. :)
Lyana: Yeay! Syg abg. Nyahahaha!
Me: Hahaha. Syg u jgk. Haha.
Lyana: Gatal eh! Heh. :P
Sometimes i find that Rosliyana bte Mohd Yusof is a funny and horny girl. She is an entertainer, just like Bhai, Am, khai. Eh! Whats wrong with me? In a sudden i talk bout Rosliyana. Gila lah akuw. And dun even think bout that._. Hahaha. So random...
And if u all think why she called me 'abg', it started through the Chopstick Camp. In Prefectorial Board, she is my wife. Dun noe hu came up with the idea. Hahahaha.
Sayonara! :D
Monday, August 3, 2009
yesterday & today
Yesterday at 4pm, played soccer at the hall near bhai's house vs bdk2 kecik. 20 mins later, Asri came. Many scoreline. After the match, drink bubble tea and lepak kat kerusi dpn blk Faizal ( refer to 17/7/09's post. Hahahahaha ). Then asri told me hu is really 'setan' that always disturb me and other people in my CBox. We noe that we guess correctly. I am very sure of it. If u all want to noe hu is that 'setan', ask me or asri kae? :D
I guarantee u all will be surprise hu is 'setan'...
Then at night, sms-ed 5 people at the same time; Az, Bhai, Erra, Katherine, Lyana. Quite confusing._.
Today stayed at home cos my class got quarantined until tmrw. Mendak siot!
I guarantee u all will be surprise hu is 'setan'...
Then at night, sms-ed 5 people at the same time; Az, Bhai, Erra, Katherine, Lyana. Quite confusing._.
Today stayed at home cos my class got quarantined until tmrw. Mendak siot!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
2 Respect got quarantined!!! :D
Today in the morning, went to Wdlands Polyclinic cos I got fever, runny nose and cough. Waited for 1½ hours. Got a three days MC! Wohoo! Then Khai msg me that our class, 2 Respect, got quarantine until this tuesday. I was like wth. MC extended! Hahhaahahah!
Monday, July 27, 2009
wohoo! my blog has recovered from H1N1! hahaha. at last i can post after waiting for a few days... Started school by doing file duty with Khairil. Then, when on the way to our class, my classmate, Kok Tong, bumped into us and said tht only 15 pupils in my class are present. In my heart I said wth! In disbelief, I went to my class and my eyes widened and my jaw dropped when I look at the whiteboard: 'People Who Come' It supposed to be 'Absentees' but when 3/4 of the class is absent, they changed it. Wow! We sleck today. Many other Sec 2 classes has many absentees. But, my class is the worst with a record-breaking 27 ABSENTEES! Tht is so coool... Quite boring uhh...
Then continued lesson as per normal. During recess, Prefect Afiqah lost his phone. I thought 1 hp had lost, but a total of 5 hp had lost or rather been stolen. Leceh siol! After school, the Sec 2 prefects must check the Sec 1s' begs. fuhh!!
Before went home, singgah kat pondok kat skolah for celebrating Farah's bdae! I ate the most sia.. Asri mcm malu2. hahaha. Many of us gather and that includes Az, Asri, Tabin, Bhai, Fit, Me, Khai, Am, Izzatie, Amirah and of cos Farah.
Then, went home with gangz. Sembang2 and lastly went home with Asri.
Then continued lesson as per normal. During recess, Prefect Afiqah lost his phone. I thought 1 hp had lost, but a total of 5 hp had lost or rather been stolen. Leceh siol! After school, the Sec 2 prefects must check the Sec 1s' begs. fuhh!!
Before went home, singgah kat pondok kat skolah for celebrating Farah's bdae! I ate the most sia.. Asri mcm malu2. hahaha. Many of us gather and that includes Az, Asri, Tabin, Bhai, Fit, Me, Khai, Am, Izzatie, Amirah and of cos Farah.
Then, went home with gangz. Sembang2 and lastly went home with Asri.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Happy birthday Amirul <3
happy bdae am! another person dah tua larh... haha. Always show ur smile to us cos that smile make our day a very enjoyable one. When u have problems, we all will be there to help u. :)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Sabrina! :)
Firstly, i want to wish happy bdae to my fren, Sabrina. Ceria-ceria slalu yee...
Today, doing nothin else but NE CAMP PROPOSAL ! Quite FUN! Did all my h/w at night. Quite busy lah.
Today, doing nothin else but NE CAMP PROPOSAL ! Quite FUN! Did all my h/w at night. Quite busy lah.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Fitri robohkan...
whoa.. wht a day is today. Nothing much during lessons. After the dismissal bell rang, rush home with they all featuring aishah and lyana. hahahaha. Dorang kepo ajer. haha. jk jk. After bathing and all that stuff, ride 911 with they all they all sumer. boleh katakan kecohh uh. after praying, went to eat ice kachang. Ermmm, sedap nyer!!! best giler. SHIOK AH!!!
After eating that cool stuff, went to McDonalds and buy some food again. Tk kenyang kenyang sey kiter... Maseh boleh bedal makanan lagi.. haiz, aperlah nk jadi ngn kiteorg.... :D
then we went home. Then, this is the funniest part of the day. We sit down and chit chat in front of PAP at az's house. Then, we all suddenly piled up together. Fitri was the lowest. So, he had to tahan and to carry we all. there was bhai, azmi, khai, me, tabin, faizal, amirul and of cos fitri. After piling up, we all fell. THEN, when Fitri wants to sit again on the chair, the chair's leg suddnly broke! WOW! Then we all start giggling and laugh like a bunch of crazy monkeys. KLAKAR SAK!!!
Then, we all went home cos later we gonna watch rugby match; Evg vs Unity. But Unity menang lah. Tkpe, work harder rugby boys!!! woohoo!! We only watch 1st half. During the 2nd half, we played soccer at SSC. Giler kan kiteorg. We are the craziest bunch of people in the sch lah. crius seyy... Dtg utk tgk rugby, tp at last, kiter maen bola. SOO weird! But overall today is very FUN!
After eating that cool stuff, went to McDonalds and buy some food again. Tk kenyang kenyang sey kiter... Maseh boleh bedal makanan lagi.. haiz, aperlah nk jadi ngn kiteorg.... :D
then we went home. Then, this is the funniest part of the day. We sit down and chit chat in front of PAP at az's house. Then, we all suddenly piled up together. Fitri was the lowest. So, he had to tahan and to carry we all. there was bhai, azmi, khai, me, tabin, faizal, amirul and of cos fitri. After piling up, we all fell. THEN, when Fitri wants to sit again on the chair, the chair's leg suddnly broke! WOW! Then we all start giggling and laugh like a bunch of crazy monkeys. KLAKAR SAK!!!
Then, we all went home cos later we gonna watch rugby match; Evg vs Unity. But Unity menang lah. Tkpe, work harder rugby boys!!! woohoo!! We only watch 1st half. During the 2nd half, we played soccer at SSC. Giler kan kiteorg. We are the craziest bunch of people in the sch lah. crius seyy... Dtg utk tgk rugby, tp at last, kiter maen bola. SOO weird! But overall today is very FUN!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

At 8am, got health screening going on.. 162.5 cm.. WOW! Now i'm tall! Woohoo!!!! K that is lame. -_- Then went for History lessons. Did file checking only. For English lessons, got Compre test. quite difficult :( And, so on and so forth....
After school, waited until 2.30pm to do DC duty with khai, az and bhai. Quite a lot of people :D Then, lepak2 at Studio R with Shahir. Talk about the new prosedure of prefect duty. After chit-chatting, went home. Me, az, bhai, khai and faizal sit under az's block to discuss about the new duty list as the old ICs had been 'fired'. Then saw aishah and lyana sitting at the bus-stop near az's house. Dun care bout them uh.
After discussing, went home. Me and bhai went to buy drinks b4 we went home. Then, lyana also wanted to went home -.- Its a coincidence! But didnt went home with her. I followed behind her cos i wanted to look at her SEXY body. hahahahaahahahahahahaha. it tickles. jk, jk, jk, jk, jk, jk...
After school, waited until 2.30pm to do DC duty with khai, az and bhai. Quite a lot of people :D Then, lepak2 at Studio R with Shahir. Talk about the new prosedure of prefect duty. After chit-chatting, went home. Me, az, bhai, khai and faizal sit under az's block to discuss about the new duty list as the old ICs had been 'fired'. Then saw aishah and lyana sitting at the bus-stop near az's house. Dun care bout them uh.
After discussing, went home. Me and bhai went to buy drinks b4 we went home. Then, lyana also wanted to went home -.- Its a coincidence! But didnt went home with her. I followed behind her cos i wanted to look at her SEXY body. hahahahaahahahahahahaha. it tickles. jk, jk, jk, jk, jk, jk...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Tired but FUN!!! :)

First of all, wake up at 9.30am. ready for madrasah. i reach there a bit late. Then, blajar, blajar n blajar. Biasa uh. Kata top in cohort last year:D haha. After madrasah lessons, my dad fetch me coz later there is jemputan going on at Pasir Ris. haizz. Jauh tuu! But nvm.. Aslkan boleh mkn bnyk2 kat sane:) haha.
After finishing our food and fulling our empty stomach, my dad sent my aunt home first before we went back home. After sending my aunt to her house, I quickly change into my adidas shirt and white bermudas in the car cos later I will be meeting Erra and Yusuf to go to Woodland Regional Library. I strip in front of my family members, BUT of cos with my underwear only. Free show mann.. hahax.
My dad sent me until the bridge near the library cos my family will attend another jemputan at Marsiling without me. huhu:( I went to meet Yusuf first before we meet Erra. After we had met Erra, we did our hw except me n yusuf. (erra step rajin. hahaha) After finishing our work, we went to McDonalds and grab a snack. Yusuf and I bought Oreo McFlurry while Erra bought Double Chocolate Frappe. Hmmmm, deliciousss! Then, we went home.
Me n yusuf went to azmi's house and play SOCCER! We played Royal Rumble and I played as a goalkeeper cos I want to train my keeper skills. Halfway through the game, Asri wants to swap with me as he had a little pain in his leg. So, he be a gk while azmi and I were in the same team vs Faizal and Yusuf. We were unbeatable. Azmi n I wins all three games. In 1st game, the score was 3-1 and I scored one. In 2nd game, the score was 3-2 also and I scored two. In 3rd game, the score was 2-0 and I scored two. Wow! What an achievement!
Lastly, went home with Asri and chit-chatted on the way home. :)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Adventurous :D

wow! what an adventurous day is today. many things had happen today. firstly, went to school. First period, HML. Fun! Quite cool! Cinta SPD? wht's that??? hahax. then, hist. quite interesting i think... and so on and so forth.
After school, went home first. Then meet up with gang. BUT not gangster. heylo!!! aku bebas jenayah.. haha. mcm paham. :D At first i thought we main bola but instead we maen, BASIKAL!! Very very very very FUN!! ronda2 with azmi, tabin, yusuf, adeq tabin, faizal and asri. went to admiralty park first. going down the slope was the shiok-est. Best giler babi. Then, went to i dun noe where. just cycle anywhere. then reach at woodlands mart. then tabin said he wants to go home. MUMMY's BOY! -.-
So, we follow him to north plaza. Then, sembang2 first. After faizal and tabin had went home, left with asri, azmi, yusuf and me. Then, ....... ( this part was chopped off cos somebody who is my fren, dun want his secrets to be exposed )
i guarantee u all this part is fun BUT because of my poor fren, i had to delete : D
Monday, July 6, 2009
wake up at 11pm, as yesterday slept at 5am. wash up. eat breakfast. parents not at home. soo, lets watch............ayg daily highlights!!! :D hahax. gotcha! u all dirty minded. i support quah ting wen. a very talented swimmer. really lyke her smile XD If u all dun noe her, search at google. after watching tv until 1.30pm, continue doing my Maths hw-.- quite boring... mendak uh. so difficult!!
Then, do my HIGHER Malay hw. Glance at that word, HIGHER. hahax. no offence people. quite a lot of hw to do. nvm. its for my own sake:)
At 8pm, went for ngaji. Now at Juz 25. 5 more Juz for me to khatam the holy Quran. Amin. (step alim. akuw mcm paham) i know that someone who is my friend had finished reading the Quran FOUR times! Can u believe that?! Fyi the name starts with the letter 'R'. Guess urself... :)
Then, do my HIGHER Malay hw. Glance at that word, HIGHER. hahax. no offence people. quite a lot of hw to do. nvm. its for my own sake:)
At 8pm, went for ngaji. Now at Juz 25. 5 more Juz for me to khatam the holy Quran. Amin. (step alim. akuw mcm paham) i know that someone who is my friend had finished reading the Quran FOUR times! Can u believe that?! Fyi the name starts with the letter 'R'. Guess urself... :)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Yooo!! Today is like any other day. wake up at 10am. get off frm my bed and go outside. have some breakfast. hmm, yummy!XD haha.. then go toilet have some shower. then do maths hw-.-
f**k. do hw while watchin tv. cool huh?? :D cool otak kau!! cant concetrate mann! half of math hw done. feeling tired now. have some slp..zzzzz.. at 8pm, after i wake up, erra msg. dunno for wht.. for pleasure i tink-.- haha. msg her until 8.15pm. i said tht i want to bath first. then this is what happens:
me: eh aku nk mandi jap. aru bgn. nk ikot?
erra: haha. toilet kau besar tk? aku takot tetek aku tk muat. hahaha
me: ewww. i didnt noe tht u were this horny. kau step tetek kau besar mane je.. hahaha!
i really didnt noe erra was this horny. i thought only aishah. but the disease had spread to erra! OMG!! apelah nk jadi ngn dunia ni?? haha.. its 2.30am now. chatting with hafieqa all night long cos nobody else on9. XD
f**k. do hw while watchin tv. cool huh?? :D cool otak kau!! cant concetrate mann! half of math hw done. feeling tired now. have some slp..zzzzz.. at 8pm, after i wake up, erra msg. dunno for wht.. for pleasure i tink-.- haha. msg her until 8.15pm. i said tht i want to bath first. then this is what happens:
me: eh aku nk mandi jap. aru bgn. nk ikot?
erra: haha. toilet kau besar tk? aku takot tetek aku tk muat. hahaha
me: ewww. i didnt noe tht u were this horny. kau step tetek kau besar mane je.. hahaha!
i really didnt noe erra was this horny. i thought only aishah. but the disease had spread to erra! OMG!! apelah nk jadi ngn dunia ni?? haha.. its 2.30am now. chatting with hafieqa all night long cos nobody else on9. XD
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